Power to Create Wealth Quiz

God has given us all the power to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). Yet there are different ways in which people can create wealth. You must discover your power to create wealth and allow Him to activate it. Complete the form below and take our Power to Create Wealth Quiz right now! We'll follow up with you to help you continue to develop your unique power to create wealth!

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Power to Create Wealth

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Who's behind this?

Markita Brooks is the CEO and Founder of Kingdom Wealth, LLC, where we are creating wealth to do the most good. She is also the creator of the Wealth Creation Activation and this Power to Create Wealth Quiz. Markita is an entrepreneur, published author, corporate president, member of 5 boards of directors, apostle, prophet and ministry leader. She has served as a ministry leader and business consultant for over 20 years, helping business owners in various industries and business sizes. She's the author of The 5 Biblical Keys to Unlocking Wealth and other books and curricula. She speaks frequently at conferences and services around the world.